Rudra Narayan Chaudhari, who was taken in thought after his cherished one Manisha Gharti Magar, the sister of national football pack striker Bimal Gharti Magar, was found dead in a suspicious condition in Nawalparasi last Thursday, has "passed" a misrepresentation exposure test, police said.Police Inspector Ram Prasad Pandey, who drove the test on the suspect as a polygraph expert, said that Chaudhari was requested 11 questions.One from the sales was whether he stifled the 17-year-old young woman to death.In response, Chaudhari said that he didn't kill her. Earlier, the examination report prescribed that Gharti had proceeded as a result of hanging, police said.Her posthumous examination was done at Kathmandu-based e examination add up to, the test now has ended up being more personality boggling as both the polygraph test and the after death did not insist their suspicion.Police said they explored the phone explanations behind excitement of the finished and her playmate, Chaudhari. The couple had made 218 calls to each other Chaudhari for 116 times. Chaudhari had gone to Gharti on May 25. She was found dead in her home the following morning.