World has gone highly advance and mechanized where people can are able to live the life comfortably. But this tribe Zo’é are in their own not even realizing the world outside for centuries. This tribe has been residing in the different corner of Amazon forest migrating often for one corner to the another corner of the forest. Other people may see their life style as vulgarity or uncivilized or inhuman but its how is their way of living and way of seeing the life. These video conatains the daily life bases of this tribes. According to the production team of the video this tribe is 184 member ethnic group in Brazil. In their language Zo’é mean ‘us’ .they have the culture of piercing their bottom lips with wooden plug. they culture can be very complex for us but they have got they live their live connecting themselves with the nature. In the video, the tribe go for the swim not to reduce their stress but to rejoice with their family and friends.
Moreover they spend their life so positively that thy do not even know what stress is. Though there is many places in the forest this spall water pond is where they come to contact themselves with the nature. Men and women together take the summing with their family and friends. The modern society in which we live has set the barrier between men and women but in this tribe there is no such a barrier. This tribe are very far from the circumstance that modern society has set for the adjustment but there is not word of adjustment in their lives. the eighty years old lady in the video is very much the impressive part of the video who thinks that the people who have visited them are the alien and from another world. She like massages and her daughter give it to her. Another interesting fact about their culture is that there is no define definition of marriage. But then they seems to have set the limitations in this term. The women are allowed to marry with at least four men and the men are allowed to marry at least two women. Well the rule is quite twisted though as it do not define the age limits. A thirteen year boy can marry a 16 or 20 years girl or a 40 years old men can may girl of fifteen.